Auction Id: #228975
Bank Details
Reserve Price: ₹ 31,00,000
Bank Name
: ₹ 3,10,000
Branch Name
Service Provider
:  Public Auction
Contact Details: Contact Coimbatore Phone No.94422 03693, 94422 03675

All the part and parcel of land and building in Tirupur Registration District, Palladam Sub-Registration District, Palladam Taluk, in within the limits of Palladam Panchayat Union and Kodangipalayam Panchayat Board, Kodangipalayam Village, (i) In G.S.No. 148/5, lands measuring 0.840 Hectares (or) 2.07 acres in this, lands measuring 0.28 ½ acres, situated within the following Boundaries: North to lands in G.S.No. 149, East to Itchipatti Village Union North-South Odai, West to land owned by Nirmala Muthaiya and the below mentioned East-West common pathway, South to land owned by Kumaravel and others. In this, lands measuring 0.28½ acres of land. (ii) In G.S.No. 148/5. East-West common track lands measuring 0.06 ½ acres, situated within the following Boundaries: North to lands in G.S.No. 149, East to above mentioned lands measuring 0.28% acres, West to land owned by Senniappan and Arukutti and North-South mamool pathway, South to land owned by Nirmala Muthaiya. In this, lands measuring 0.06% acres in this, common ½ share lands measuring 0.03% acre of land. Thus, the total extent of the properties mentioned in Item No.s (i) & (ii) are 0.31% acres (or) 0.1284 Hectares (as per latest revenue sub-division the above land forms part of G.S.No. 148/5, admeasuring 0.840 Hectare in patta no. 1785) of land along with regular pathway rights and all easements and rights etc., and right to use the road mentioned in Document No. 3209/2015. 

Province/State: Tamil Nadu
City/Town:   Tiruppur
Area/Town: Palladam
Property Details
Borrower Name
: M/s. Hari Tex
Asset Category
Property Type
: Land And Building
Auction Type
: Sarfaesi Auction
Auction Start Time
: 18-03-2024 11:30 AM
Auction End Date
: 18-03-2024 12:30 PM
Application Submision Date
: 16-03-2024 05:00 PM
Sale Notice 1: 
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