Auction Id: #218877
Bank Details
Reserve Price: ₹ 10,49,000
Bank Name
: ₹ 1,04,900
Branch Name
: Regional Office
Service Provider
:  Public Auction
Contact Details: Contact Branch Manager

All the parts and parcel of the property situated at Theni District, Periyakulam Registration District, Theni Taluk, in Koduvilarpatti Village, the land measuring 03 Acres comprised in Ayan S.No.474/8 and some other adjacent lands divided in to house site plots as per D.T.C.P. Layout Approval No.64/2011, collectively in the name of VCV Township", of which the plot No.71 measuring 45 x 70=3150 Sq.Ft. of which 675sq ft left of path-way on the remaining extent measuring 2475 Sq. Ft. of which on the North side 165 Sq. Ft. and the Plot No.72 measuring 45 x 70-3150 Sq.Ft of which excluding 675 Sq. Ft left for path way in the remaining extent measuring 2475 Sq.Ft. of which on the north side 440 Sq.Ft. Plot No.71,72/4 totally measuring 605 Sq.Ft of house site along with the house building bearing Door No. yet to be assessed for Property Tax, which is with the following four boundaries: North: 30 feet wide East-West Commen Pathway, South: Plot No. 71,72/29, East: Plot No.71/3, West: Plot No.72/5, Measuring: East West on north side: 27" ft, East-west on south side: 27 ft, South-north on east side: 22 ft, South-north on west side: 22 ft. Totaling an extent of 605 Sq. ft., of house site along house building with all amenities thereof.

Province/State: Tamil Nadu
City/Town:   Theni
Area/Town: Periyakulam
Property Details
Borrower Name
: K.Kannan
Asset Category
Property Type
: Land
Auction Type
: Sarfaesi Auction
Auction Start Time
: 21-02-2024 12:30 PM
Auction End Date
: 21-02-2024 01:30 PM
Application Submision Date
: 20-02-2024 05:00 PM
Sale Notice 1: 
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