Contact No : Bank Manager
All the piece and parcel of land and building admeasuring total area of 69.5 Decimal belonging to Mr. Narsingh Yadav, situated at Mauza-Bahuara, P.S-Kudara, Chak Plot No. 80 & 87, Thana No.392, Chak Khata No.3, Dist- Kaimur and bounded as follows: Area - 29.5 Decimal, North - Asha Kuer, South-Chawar, East-Land of School, West - Dalkeshwar Bind., Area - 06 Decimal, North - Dalkeshwar Bind, South-Asha Kuer, East- Asha Kuer, Chak Road, West Asha Kuer, Area 34 Decimal, North Dalkeshwar Bind, South-Asha Kuer, East-Asha Kuer, Chak Road, West - Asha Kuer.