Contact -Mr. Lecin C - Federal Bank Mobile No: 9447816012 / Shri. Ramprasad Contact No : 9265562821 / 079 61200500 / 68136842 / 8000023297
CD No. 1 Anil Vithal Rane is in possession of the Mortgaged Property as under-All that piece and parcel of land and all the things attached thereof situated at village Poyare Taluka Devgad, District Sindhudurg bearing Gat No.99, Hissa No. 18 admeasuring HR 2-35-00 and Pot Kharaba 2-99-34 ie. total land admeasuring HR 5-34-34 (534.34 Guntha) assessed at R.P. 1.21 and is bounded as under. On or towards the East: By Property of Pandurang Rupaye and Shridhar Rupaye and Culvert West: By Property of Shri Dev Rameshwar Temple, North By Property of Keshav B. Ghadi, South: By Boundary of Village Naringre