Contact No : Bank Manager
All that part and parcel of the immovable property situated at Madurai District, Madurai North Registration District, Alanganallur Sub Registration Office, Vadipatti Taluk, No. 70, Palamedu Village, in Survey No. 336/2 to an extent of 0.12.5 Hectare equivalents to 31 Cents in which excluding Northern West portion to an extent of 3% Cents equivalents to 1680 Sq. feet, in remaining por- tion to an extent of 27 % of 0.11.0 Hectare equivalents to 27 Cents 64 Sq. Feet of the property within the following Boundaries: North: Property belongs to K. Kannan East: Property belongs to S. Vellaimani West Madurai to Palamedu Main Road South: Property belongs to Fransispandiyan and Rajagobal Within which totally to an extent of 27 Cents 64 Sq. Feet of vacant Site and with all deposits and fittings and all other amenities along with all pathway rights. The said Property comprised in Sub-division Survey No. 336/2A to an extent of 0.11.0 Hectare in Patta No. 2574 situated at palamedu Municpality Limit."