Contact Details: Mr. Amit Kumar Sinha Mobile No: 7800221183 / Mr. Manishkumar Patel Mobile No: 97269 68390
All that piece and parcel of property being immovable Property at Plot No. 19, Admeasuring 214 Sq.Meters and Construction there on 75.25 Sq. Meters and appropriate share sight or interest in the internal road and common plots admeasuring 61.77 Sq.Meters in Scheme Dev Vihan bearing Sy Block No. 55 admeasuring 7993 Sq.Meters situate lying and being at Mouje: Maflipur, Taluka-Dhoilka, District and Sub District of Ahmedabad (Dholka) in the name of Shri Patel Pravinbhai Punjabhal, Bounded as follows: On North: Plot No. 20 & Joint Wall, On South: Plot No. 18. On East: Common Road of Society, On West: Block No. 56 Details of encumbrances over the property, as known to the secured creditor, if any None (Symbolic Possession)