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In Tiruppur Registration District, Palladam Sub Reg- istration District, Palladam Taluk, within the limits of Karaipudur village union in Karaipudur village." S.F.No. 304/1 measuring pu acres 1.22, S.F.No. 303/2Ameasuring pu acres 0.58, S.F.No. 303/1A measuring pu.acres 0.46, Totally an extent of punjai acres 2.26 land situates within following bound- aries, North of30 ft wide East West Road East of - Land belongs to Duraisarmy South of - Land belongs to K.P. Ramasamy West of- Land belongs to Duraisamy and Logammal. Measuring with East to West on the Northen Side: 240 ft, East to West on the Southern Side: 240 ft, North to South on the Eastern Side: 60 ft, North to South on the Western Side: 60 ft. In this an extent of 14400 sq. ft land converted into house sites in this Western side of site no.5 situates with in fol- lowing boundaries East of-Site No.6, West of - Eastern portion of site no. 5 retained by P.S. Lo- ganathan, North of 30 ft wide East West Road, South of Land belongs to K.P. Ramasamy. Measuring with North to South on the Eastern Side: 28% ft, North to South on the Western Side 28% ft, East to West on the Northen side: 60 ft, East to West on the Southern side: 60 ft. In this 1695 sq. ft or 157.46 sq. mtr vacant land SCHEDULE II Site No.6 situates with in following boundaries East of-Site No.7 West of Site No.5 North of-30 ft wide East West Road South of-Land belongs to K.P. Ramasamy Measuring with North to South on the Eastern Side: 40 ft, North to South on the Western Side: 40 ft, East to West on the Northen Side: 40 ft, East to West on the Southern Side: 40 ft, In this 2400 sq. ft or 222.96 sq. mtr vacant land Thus total of Schedule I and Schedule II, measuring 1695+2400=4095 sq.ftor 380.43 land along with buildings and Electricity connections, Water connections and all other attachments thereon and all other mamool pathway rights and access thereon. ITEM II "In Tiruppur Registration District, Palladam Sub Registration District, Palladam Taluk, within the limits of Karaipudur village union in Karapudur village." S.F.No. 304/1 measuring pu acres 1.22, S.F.No. 303/2A measuring pu.acres 0.58, S.F.No. 303/1A measuring pu.acres 0.46, Totally an extent of punjai acres 2.26 land, North South of both sides 60 ft and Eastwest on both. Sides 60 ft and Eastwest on both sides 240 ft measuring 14400 sq.ft in this portion of site no.5 situates with in following boundaries. West of Land belongs to Duraisamy and Logammal East of-A portion of Site No. 5 belongs to Sagunthala devi North of -30 ft wide East West Road South of Land belongs to K.P. Ramasamy Measuring with, North to South on both side: 11% ft East to West on both side: 60 ft In this 705 sq. ft or 65.49 sq. mtr land with mamool pathway and easement rights and all other attachments there on.