Authorized Officer Phone No. 01638-500164, Mr. Shailesh Kumar, Mob. No. 8174809918 and Sh. Sahil Munjal, Mob No. 97837-06366
SR NO 10
All that part and parcel of Immovable property of Factory Land and Building, Situated at Village Kolianwali, Tehsil Malout Admeasuring-15 Kanal 16 Maria 1/2 Share of 31 kanal 12 Maria, Mustil No. 34, Killa no. 1(8-0), 10(8-0), 11(8-0), 12/1(7-12), Khewat No. 346, Khatoni No. 517 as per Jamabandi Year 2008-2009, RTD No. 2845 Dated 26.09.2013, Owned by M/s Sumit Rice Mils. Bounded By East: Balbir Singh, West Lavaljeet Singh etc, North passage, South: balbir Singh