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1) All that piece and parcel of one self-contained residential flat being no.101 measuring 795 sq ft., South west corner on the first floor, Block-B,Subhadra Plaza comprised in R.S. Dag no. 125 corresponding to L.R. Dag no. 160,R.S. Khatian no. 60/1, L.R. Khatian no. 1917,1915 & 1916 deriving from L.R. Khatian no. 1822, within Mouza-Hatgacha, J.L. No. 33, under P.S.- Sankrail, within ambit of Jhorehat Gram Panchayat, Howrah-711304 vide deed being no.050103021 for the year 2019 registered in Book-I, Volume no. 0509-2019, Page87741 to 87793 under DSR-I, Howrah in the name of Mr. Bubai Das and Mr. Bapan Das. Butted and Bounded by: On the North:-Staircase and common space, On the South: Open to Sky, On the East:-Flat no. 102, On the West: Open to Sky