Authorized Officer Phone No. 01638-500164, Mr. Shailesh Kumar, Mob. No. 8174809918 and Sh. Sahil Munjal, Mob No. 97837-06366
All that part and parcel of the property Residential House measuring 444 sq yards 04 sq ft (50" X 80-4000 sqft.) in khasra no 323(444-4) khewat no 1664 khatoni no 2280 as per jamabandi year 2012-13 in the names of Mrs. Kiran W/o Sunil Periwal, Mrs. Sarita w/o Sh. Purshottam Periwal, Mrs. Meenu W/o Mr.Jagat Periwal & Mrs. Monika Wio Vijay Kumar purchased vide sale deed no.463 dt. 12.05.2015 situated at Street no.4, Last Chowk, Circular Road, Abohar, Dist Fazilka (Punjab). Bounded: On the East by:-Property of Kiran, On the Westby: Street, On the North by Street, On the South by:-Property of Rawatmal Nagori, Discisoure:-TSA(Transfer Securitization Application) Number 7/2024 is pending in DRT III Chandigarh.