Phone No : 0547-2970142
Mortgaged Property-Land & Building-Book no. 1 Volume no. 1001 on Pages 210/214 at Sl. No. 1257 on dated 13.10.2003, Plot no. / Arazi no-1027, Area-40.00 Sq Mtr, Situated at Mauza Badagaon (Under Town Area) Ghosi, Pergana - Ghosi, Tehsil- Ghosi, District-Mau (UP), In the name of Anis Ahmad S/o Shri Shamim Ahmad Boundaries of the property as per deed: North- Jameen Rais Azhar South- House of Shri Samsujjama & others
East-Rasta Kharanaja Town Area West- Jameen Rais Azhar and others Boundaries of the property as per the Actual: North-House of Shri Shaqil Akhtar South-House of Shri Samsujjama & others East- RCC Road West-House of Shri Shaqil Akhtar