Mr. Dinesh Kumar.A Mobile No : 9655573798
All the part and parcel of land with building situated at Dharmapuri Registration District, Dharmapuri District, Dharmapuri Joint-1 Sub-Registration District, Vellegoundan Palayam Village, S.F.No.548 comprised P.A.4.23 in this Re-Survey No.548/2 comprised P.Hec.0.02.0, now Natham S.F.No.548/2L comprised of 222 sq.meter (Patta. No.2805) (Old S.F. No.548/2), in this Door.No.2/1052, 2/1052/1, 2/1054, 2/1054/1, RCC Tharsu building within the following boundaries and measurements. Boundaries: North-16 feet wide common road, South- Krishnan Arumugam property, East- Periyasamy's property, West- R.Sathyavani's property. In this at Centre: East-West on the North & South-25 ft, North-South on the East & West-40 ft. Admeasuring 1000 sq.feet (92.90 sq.meter) of land and Ground Floor Tharsu building 943.25 Sq.ft. (87.63, First Floor 136.50 Sq.ft (12.68 and Second Floor Tharsu room 224.25 Sq.ft (20.83 along with 49 Sq.ft (4.55 Shed, all other rights including, all fixtures, to use the common pathway, easementary rights etc. EB connection Nos. 002-00-2911, 2912, 2913, 2914, 3680. Property comes under Elakkiampatti Panchayat, Dharmapuri Union's limits