Contact No : 94437 59259, 82205 33743
All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 2400 Sq.Ft (1200+1200) along with building and all other improvements and usufructs thereon with mamool rights of way and easmentary rights thereon in Survey No. 89/1, 89/2, Re-Survey No.89/2A1A of Pennagaram Village, Pennagaram Taluk, Pennagaram Sub Registration District, Dharmapuri District owned by Mr. Krishnan G and more fully described in Registered Sale Deed No. 419/1995 dated 07.03.1995, of Pennagaram SRO and bounded as follows: Boundaries of 1200 Sq.Ft. of land in S.F.No.89/2 is as follows, North: Forest Bangala, South: Common Road, East: Land of Balraj. West: House Site of BK Marimuthu. Boundaries of 1200 Sq.Ft of land in S.F.No.89/1 is as follows, North: Common Pathway, South: Kalvettu, Kavalai, Well of Marimuthu and Others, East: Lands of Sandhi Rarnanatha Chettiyar and Others, West: Vacant Site of Balraj.