Mr. Santha Kumar Mob-+91 8072323056 or Mr. Mandala Ramesh Mob- +91 9908062299
Description of Property: Al that piece and parcel of the Land and Building bearing Plot No. 4, Comprised in Survey No. 223/3, measuring with an exdent of 1065 Sq. Feet, Situated at Panruti Village, Sriperambadur Taluk, Kanchipuram District and bounded as under BOUNDARY-East By Plot No. 5, West By Plot No. 3, North By: School Groound, South By: 30 Feet Road. And having a linear Measurement of. East to West: on the Northern Side: 20, East to West: on the Southern Side 20 Noth to South on the Eastern Side: 52.9, North to South on the Westem Side: 53.9