Contact Mr. Jay Dave on Mob No-7203957777
Property 1: All the pieces and parcel of immovable property comprising of Industrial Shed constructed on NA Land admeasuring 6083-72 Sq. Mt. of production/Shed/Office/Toilet, land admeasuring 581-61 Sq. Mt. of Parking, Land admeasuring 150-00 Sq. Mt of Labor Quarter/ Lavatory Block, land admeasuring 120-50 Sq. Mt. of Lubor Facility Collectively admeasuring 6935-83 Sq. Mt., Land admeasuring 1450-41 Sq. Mt. of common plot, land admeasuring 4236-63 sq. Mt. of Internal Road, Land admeasuring of 4870-13 Sq. Mt. of Margin and Open Space, Collectively admeasuring 17503 Sq. Mt. lying and situated at the Revenue Survey No. 323 paik 1 (Old Survey No. 323 paiki 1 & 323 paiki 2) of village Rangpar of Taluka and District Morbi owned by Lucaso Ceramic Pvt. Ltd. Boundaries: East: Agri Land of Survey No. 324, West: Agri Land of Survey No. 321, North: Agri Land of Survey No. 355, South: AgriLand of Survey No. 320