Authorised Officer Mobile No : 9545244646 / 8605009225
Property Owned by Mr. Deepak Maruti Bhosale & Mrs. Anuja Deepak Bhosale
All piece and parcel of Residential Property bearing CS No. 95 situated at Village - Mouje Asule Porie, Taluka Panhala District Kolhapur. Total admeasuring 132.3 Sq Mtrs (1424 Sq Ft) alongwith building constructed thereon (admeasuring 213.75 Sq Mtrs- 2300 Sq.fts), which is bounded and surrounded by... Towards East Property of Pandurang Mhadu Shinde, Towards West Property of Anubal Dubule, Towards South Property of Dinkar Bandu Shinde, Towards North Govt. Road.