Authorized Partner Le. Mis. Shriram Automall India Limited Mobile No. +917383529405
All that piece and parcel of immovable property being Residential Flat No. A- 308 on Third Floor admeasuring Super Built up area of 45.10 Sq. Mtrs along with proportionate undivided share in land to the extent of 17.49 Sq Mrts inthe project known as "UMANG NAROL-2 situate, lying and being developed on Non Agricultural land which is utilized for Residential purpose Block/ Survey No. 153/ 1 included in TP Scheme No. 60 (Narol South- 12), Final Plot No. 69 admeasuring 14690 Sq. Mrts on which it is forming part of Sub Plot No. 1 admeasuring 6296.69 Sq. Mtrs on which the afore-mentioned scheme is been developed, Mouje Narol Ahmedabad City East, Registration District Ahmedabad and Sub Registration District-Ahmedabad-5 (Narol)