Shri. Ravi Shankar Prasad Mobile No: 9867969417, 8985622824
As per document total extent of land is Ac.48-01 Cents (As per latest survey total extent of land is Ac.46.34 cents) covered under below scheduled documents.
a) Vacant land in S.No.51, 53/1, 56/2 at Tamminapatnam Village and panchayat, Chillakuru Mandal, Nellore Dist. Standing in the name of VNR Powertech P Ltd represented by Mr. V. Narayana Reddy. Total-Ac.10.84cents (Doc No. 1295,1306 and 1307 dt 25.04.94 land admeasuring Ac 2.92 cents, Ac.3-96 cents and Ac. 3-96 cents respectively as under) Sale Deed No. Patta No. Sy. No. Extant Area Area concerned out of Extant Area 1295/94 58 53/1 6.51 1.20 1295/94 58 56/2 12.31 1.72 2.92 1306/94 78 51 13.30 3.96 1307/94 78 51 13.30 3.96 10.84 acres BOUNDARIES Sale Deed No.1295/1994: East: Ceiling Land, West: Land of Vagreshwara Swami, North: Land of Kote Jayaramaiah, South: Land of Anguluru Sudhakar. BOUNDARIES Sale deed No.1306/1994: East: Jointly, West: Jointly, North: Jointly, South: Jointly. BOUNDARIES - Sale deed No.1307/1994: East: Jointly, West: Jointly, North: Jointly, South: Jointly
m) Vacant industrial site at Sy.No. 56-2A1,58-1,57-1B at Tamminapatnam Village & Panchayat, Chillakuru Mandal, Nellore Dist in the name of VNR Power tech Pvt Ltd. admeasuring Ac. 6-15 Cents (Doc.No.858/2011) Patta No. S.No. Extant Area 58 56-2A1 1.73 58 58-1 1.31 58 57-1B 3.11 6.15 acres