Contact Mob. No.: 8171626615
Residential House measuring area 1154.82 sqft i.e. 107.32 sq mtr Belonging to Part of Khasra no 341 & 338 M situated at Mohalla Sati Roorkee Haridwar registered vide Sale Deed in Bahi no. 1, Jild no. 4692, at pages 363 to 382 Serial no 2284 dated 05.04.2018 Less Gift Deed at Bahi no. 1 Jild no. 4697 pages 279-296 Serial no. 2399 dated 10.04.2018 WITH Correction Deed no. 5054 dated 10.07.2019 in the office of Sub- Registrar Roorkee-l in the name of Sh. Sayeed Akhtar Qadri Sio Sh. Mohd. Umar Which is bounded: East: House of Sarfudin, West: Plot of Raees Ahmad, North: Plot of Arshad Qadri, South: Way 15 feet wide