Contact Authorised Officer Mob. 9960974848/9322480888/8975758517.
All that piece and parcel of Shed No.2 (G+1), admeasuring 174.20 sq.meters (built-up area), in the structure known as Macchi Godown No.314/14/29-1/A, constructed on plece and parcel of land bearing Cadastral Survey No. 314(part) of Dharavi Division, within the limits of Greater Mumbai, in the District and Registration Sub-District of Mumbai City, Municipal G-North Ward, Takallapa Wadi (Palwadi), Gopal Mistry Compound, Dharavi Cross Gully, Dharavi, Mumbal - 400 017. Boundaries of the Secured Asset-On or towards East: C.S. No. 97, West: Godown No. 15, North: C.S. No. 97, South: internal access road from Dharavi Cross Road (Owned by Mr. Bharat Nagindas Kapasi).