Contact Person : Mr Abhishek Singh ,Mob : 6392741791
Property No. 2 Industrial Non-Agricultural Land admeasuring 65,400 sq. meters, Gat No. 42 to 50, at Shendri, Tal. Gadhinglaj, Dist. Kolhapur, Maharashtra in the name of Mis. New Pride Como Trade Pvt. Ltd. Boundaries of Property: East Gat No. 60 & Gat No. 40, West: Boundary of Gadhinglaj City, South Gat No. 40 Remaining area out of Gat No. 45 owned by Kalyankar, remaining area of Gat No. 50 owned by Kalyankar and Gat No 4, North Gat 51, 56, 59/2, 59/3, 59/4, 59/5, 59/6 (UNDER PHYSICAL POSSESSION)