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Schedule-1: Property Belonging to Mr. Shekhar Shrivastava, S/o. Late Ramesh- war Prasad Shrivastava
One piece of Diverted land at Khasra No.600/9, area 0.109 hectare out of 0.348 hectare, i.e., 1089.93 sq. mtr., situated in Village- Patan, Patwari Halka No.16, Rajasva Nireekshak Mandal 02. Tehsil Shyampur, District- Sehore, M.P. Boundaries - East- Other's land, West-Remaining land of seller, North Kachcha Rasta, South Kankad The above said land as set out in the Regd. Sale Deed, duly regd, in the favour of Mr.. Shekhar Shrivastava, S/o. Late Rameshwar Prasad Shrivastava, on 06.08.2014 in Book No. A-1, Vol. No.564 at Sr. No. 390, before SRO, Doraha, along with all other Appurte- nances thereon.