Mr. Harfool Meena- Chief Manager- Mobile No : 8925952581 / Ms. Aarti Ajwani Manager Mobile No : 7567762626
Equitable Mortgage followed by Registered memorandum of first floor and second floor C. S. No. 2116, 2117, 2120 & 2121, Survey No. 540/2/9/2. T. P. No. 16. F. P. No. 270. At/Village-Rajpur Hirpur, Gomtipur Post Office, Gomtipur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380021 in the name of Late Subhadraben Harshadbhai Shah, Area: 200.10 Sq. Mrs. Built up area for First Floor and 200:10 Sq. Mtrs. Built up area for Second Floor