Authorised Officer M no.:+91-93446 84194/9884062068/99623 33307
Palayamkottai Registration District and Sub Registration District Palayamkottai Taluk Vijayaraghavamudaliarchattram Village dry land Survey No. 142/5 (Old Adangal No.509/A) Ares 0.40.0.Acre 1.15 cents, out of thisleaving 5 cents for the common path, balance Acre 1.10 cents divided into house plots named as Rani Mangammal Nagar" and in that Plot No. 12 measuring total extent of 10.63 cents divided into northern and southern portions and the northem portion is numbered as 124 and the southern portion is numbered as 12B of which the southern portion plot bearing No.12B an extent of 2184 sq feet measuring East to West on the northern and southern sides 52 feet and South to North on the Eastern and Western sides 42 feet bounded on the North by: Plot No.12 af which Northern partion Plot No. 12A purchased by Muthukumar Dinkaraan East by: Plat No.11 site South by: Plot No. 13West by: 30 feet wide North-South Road