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SCHEDULE 2: All that the Office Space/ Unit No 304 bearing Municipal No 6-3-249/5/1/304 on the third floor of ANR Centre admeasuring 3123 Sq. Ft of plinth area together with undivided share of land admeasuring 124 Sq. yards out of 1190 Sq. yds along with car parking numbers 2, 3, 4 & 5 in the premises bearing Municipal No 6-3-249/5/1 (New No. 137) in Sy Nos 116 of Shaikpet Village, Situated at Road No 1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad and bounded as: North- Open to Sky, South- Staircase, Corridor and Lift; East-Open to Sky and West-Office Space/Unit No 303.