Contact No : Mr.Ranjith-9952535434
All that piece and parcel of the property situated in Namakkal District, Namakkal Registration District, Kumarapalayam SRO. Thiruchengode Taluk, Kumarapalayam Agraharam Village, Bymas No.81 acre 1231 as per Sub- Division Patta No. 13742 and 13743 Survey Ward D. Block No. 14 T.S.No. 20,21 in this for an extent of 776 1/4 Square Feet of Land and all other easement rights is siluated within boundaries of Ward-17 Kothukaran Kadu, East of: Sidhan House Property, West of: Ramasamy House Property, North of: Mancharan House Property, South of: 20 Feet East West Common Road, Extent East West Northem Side 14 feet, East West Southem side 16 Feet, North South Eastern Side 53 1/2 feet, North South Western Side 50 Feet Totally Measuring of 776 1/4 Square feet.