Mr. Jitendra Kumar Mob.No.9110263878 TelNo. 044-23454384/85
1. Detailed description of the immovable property with known encumbrances, if any: PROPERTY No. 1: All that plece and parcel of the Flat bearing No:YF-2 and measuring 465 Sq ft of built up area in the first floor in Yamuna Apartment of Ratnam Enclave together with 290 sq ft undivided share of land in and out of 2721 sq ft at No. 1/413, Kamatchi Nagar, Mugaliwakkam, Chennai-600116 now bearing Plot No.B comprised in S Nos 50/1C2, and 50/3A, Mugaliwakkam Village, Sriperumbudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District and bounded on the North by 10 feet wide common passage and 24ft wide road South by: Remaining property of S Nagammal East by: Property situated in Kamatchi Nagar Layout West by: Door Nos 1 to 5 (Lat:80.168060, Long:80.168060)