Contact Mr. Palas Kumar Ghosh- M: 9002793182 or Rishav Barman-M: 7980337721 or Mr.Amit Kumar Dutta- M: 7044285072 (Branch Manager-Bally Bazar)/Mr.Anirban Ojha - M: 8250255939
EQM Of residential flat measuring a super build up area of 481 SQ Ft more or less, Residential Flat No-404, Situated in the south west side in the fourth floor of G+4 storied building named MahaLaxmi Complex situated at Mouza Domjur, J.L. No-33, R.S Dag No-2097, L.R Dag No-2098, L.R Khatian No- 9570, R.S Khatian No-8041, under Domjur Gram Panchayet, P.S Domjur, Dist Howrah Pin 711405, West Bengal. Boundaries of the Flat: North: By Corridor/Lobby. South: By Open to Sky. East: By Flat No 403. West: By Lift space & open to sky. Boundaries of the Property: North: By 10' wide Panchayet Road. South: By Property of Debasish Dutta. East: By Property of Debasish Dutta. West: By Property of Debasish Dutta.