Seraikella Kharswan
Contact No : 022-43683808 9304047200
All the part and parcel of the unit together with all No buliding and structures standing there on and all plant and machinery attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth, both present and future, land beings Measures in Khata No. 20 Plot No. 142 area 0.62Acres, Plot No. 65 area 0 0.16 Acres In Khata No. 28 Plot No. 293 area 0.39Acnes, Plot No. 302 area 0.06 Acres, Plot No. 305 area 0.07 Acres Plot No. 306 area 0.04 Acres, Plot No. 294 area 0.39 Acres, Plot No.307 area 0.20 Acres. Plot No 31 1 area 0:10 Acres, Plot No. 310 awa 0:09 Actes In Khata No 52 Plot No. 288 area 0.66 Acres In Khata No. 54 Plot No. 314 area 0:20 Acres In Khata No Plot No. 133 area 056 Acres Plot No. 187 area 0.1 70 Acres, Plot No. 185 area 0.89 Acres, Plot No. 132 area 0.58 Acres: In Khata No. 77 Plot No. 335 area 0.21 Acres, Plot No. 337 area 0.19 Acres, Plot No. 340 area 0:11 Acres. Pilot No. 333 area 0.03 Acres, Plot No: 336 ea0.12 Acres-Total Land area 6.37 Acres within M Mouza Tiruldih, Halka No. 09, Thana No. 198, PS Chowka. District Seraikeila- Kharaswan Jharkhand Encumbrance known to bank: NIL Note: Details of plant and machinery may be obtained from Authorized Officer