Contact No : Ch. Srinivasa Rao 9963928773, Raghavendra 9848102103, Mohammed Khasim 7386748107, Chintapalli Sathish 9000249815
An Extent of 147 sq yards(123.48 Sq.mts), of Site, along with a ACC Shed therian, bering new door no-11-1227A, Sundharaih Nagar,, Revenu ward No-11, Mangalagiri Sub registry, Guntur Distrect, being bounded by: Out of these four boundaries an extent of 147 sq yards, equivalent to 123.48 Sq.mts. of site and 05years back constructed in 440Sq feets ACC Shed. North: Property of Syed Mastan bee, South: Property of jonnadula., sesharathnam., East: Property of itikala kanakalah, West: Bazar.