Omkara Assets Reconstruction Pvt Ltd Auctions for Land in Kodungaiyur, Chennai
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 3,50,000
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:Corporate Office : Mumbai
Service Provider / C1 India
Reserve Price : ₹ 35,00,000
Contact Details :
Contact No : +91 9344684194, +919854062068
Property belonging to Mrs. Nasreen Begum Wio. Mr. S. K. Syed Khaleel and Mr. S. K. Syed Khaled Sio S.M. Syed Khader vide
Document No.3581/2017 and 3582/2017 dt03.07.2017-Both registered at SROMadhavaram on 03.07.2017.
SCHEDULE 'A(Entre Property) Item No 1 1. Land measuring 3234 Square feet (7% certis) situated at Krishnan Street, Teacher's Colony, Gandhi Nagar, Kodingaiyur, Chennai 600 118, bearing Survey No. 138/44, Palta No.761 689 of 2006, T.S. No. 16, Block No. 32 New Patta No. 16:39:2006. Measuring North lo South on the Eastern side 58 fort North to South on the Western side. 58 foot, East to West on the Northern side 56% feet, Eantto West on the Southem side 55 feet Bounded on the North by: Krishnan Street Southby: Item 2 Property Eastby: Property owned by Pastor bearing Survey No.13648 and TS No. 17 West by: Property owned by Leonard Sagunam and Dhanabagyamand G. R. Thirumara Mandapambearing Survy No. 136/24 and T.S No. 13,14 and 15