IDBI Bank Auctions for Land in Periyanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore
Bank Details
Reserve Price : ₹ 46,46,000
Contact Details :
Shri Sundar V on (M) 9445456486 Shri. Naveen Kumar Agarwal on (M) 8000245563
Description of the Properties: Immovable residential property situate at Coimbatore Registration District, Periyanaickenpalayam Sub-registration District, Coimbatore North Taluk, Kurudampalayam Village, S.F. 265/1 in punjal acres 3.71, in this Ac.2.30 S.F.No.267 in punjai acres 11.06 in this Ac. 1.70, totally Ac.4.00 of lands parcelled into house sites and approved by Director of Town and Country Planning, Chennai vide no. L.P/D.T.P No. 918/96 bearing site no. 13 southem portion, land admeasuring 800 sq.ft. (74.32 sq.m.) or 1 cent 364 sq.ft., and building thereon, together with mamool pathway rights and layout road transport rights, etc. The above property is named as 'Angalamman lay-out alias Seenivasapuram