West Godavari
Ph: 0891-2537792/2537782, Mobile: 9324517291
Residential land to an extent of Ac.1.45 cents located at S.No. 120/6, Pasuvullanka Gram Panchayat and Village, L.Polavaram Mandal, I.Polavaram Sub-Registry, East Godavari District belonging to Mr. Batchu Satyanarayana. Bounded by: East: Land belong to Gangula Pullayya, West: Land belongs to Neelipudi Radhakrishna, North. 100 ft. wide Road, South: Land belongs to Dasamsett Dorayya. (Regd. Sale deed No. 1903/2014 dt. 16.12.2014). Latitude, Longitude & coordinates of the site: 16.686647, 82.162412