Abhinandan AP: 9036232442, Sudarshan: 7975022716
Item-1 All the Peace and parcel of the Immovable schedule property No.151600602700100150 Katha No.140 Site No.167 Situated at Beeranahalli Village Sathyamangala Grampanchayat Hassan Talluk, measuring east to West 7.92 mtr (26 feet) north to south 5.79 mtr (19 Feet) Total Extent 45.86 Sq.mtr (494 Sq.ft) North By : House of Gayathri, South By Road, East By House of Rekha, West By: galli Road Measurement East to West 7.92 mtr North To South 5.79 mtr,45.86 Sq.mtr Situated at within the SubRegistration District Of Hassanand Registration District of Hassan. Together with all buildings and structure attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to earth, both present and future and all easamentary/mamool rights annexed thereto