Contact MARGAO BRANCH Ph. No.0832-2703143, M: 7774005713
3) LOT NO 1:Plot No. 24 admeasuring 341 sq. mtrs. Surveyed under Chalta No. 71 of P.T. Sheet No. 197 in the City Survey Office of Margao Goa. Which is a detached portion of the property known as "BAMAN GALLI situated at ward Gogol of Margao Town in the Margao Municipal Area, Taluka and Sub District of Salcete, State of Goa, which property being formed d of three properties adjoining one another, registered in the Land Registration Office (Conservatoria od regiatopredial) of Salcete at Margao under Nos. 10679,26665 and 26770 all of new series and enrolled in the Land Revenue Roll (matriz Predial) of Margao under Nos. 1103, 1104 and 1102 respectively and surveyd under No. 197/39 standing in the name of Mr Vishwesh Prakash Kamat.