Phone: 8928234780
DESCRIPTION OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY: An extent of 12.75 Ares 19.07 Ares in Survey No. 1478/1A-1335 3.68 Ares in Survey No. 1478/14-1334) of land, buildings and all other improvements thereon in Block No.99 & Thandaper No.9971 of Vannapuram Village, Thodupuzha Taluk. Idekki District heid in the name of Mrs Molly James covered by "A Schedule" in Partition Deed No 2449/2009 dated 26-09-2009 of Sub Registrar Office Kankode. BO BOUNDED: On the North By: Property of Parukutty, On the East By: Kaliyar-Vannappuram Road, On the South By: Property of Parukutty. On the West By: Property of Molly James