North 24 Parganas
Contact (Authorised Officer) Mob: 8849618725
2) All that piece and parcel of the land measuring area 3.66 Satak with building thereon Situated at Mouza-Arijullapur, R.S. & L.R. Dag No. 474, R.S. Khatian No. 322, L.R. Khatian No. 772/7, J.L. No. 20, Touzi No. 11, Under Noor Nagar Gram Panchayet, P.S-Deganga, Dist. North 24 Parganas, Equitable mortgage title deed no. 02779 for the year of 2013, Registered in Book No. 01, CD Volume No.8, Pages 3215 To 3234, In The Office at Addl. Dist. Sub-Registry Office at Deganga, Dist. North 24 Parganas. Property stands in the name of Ramkrishna Ghosh. Butted and bounded by:-On the North-Bikash Ghosh. On the South Rabin Ghosh. On the East-Kartick Ghosh. On the West -Sachin Ghosh