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All that piece and parcel of the immovable property being Flat no. 6/A BU A Admeasuring 76 sq yard in scheme known as Hebron Associaton" bearing survey no.112,113 and 115 paiki T.P. scheme No. 7 and Final plot no.128 paiki sub plot no. 57 paiki lying and situated at vill/mouje: Khokhra- Memdavad, Registration Dist: Ahmedabad and sub dist: Ahmedabad 5 (Narol) owned by Mr Rajendrakumar M. Puwar and Mrs. Harshlata R. Puwar and same bounded as: East- Margin space then deep kruti apt., West-Terrace at lower level. North-Ashray Bunglow then raj residency, South-R.C.C. Stair passage the flat no. 6/b on the floor.