Mobile No: 8933925173 / Phone No : 011-40733977 / Dealing Officer Mobile No : 8587822508 / 9818646777
All the piece and parcel of the ready built C Type Flat on 8th Floor in Tower No 08 along with open reserved Parking No. 0-146, numbered T-8/08-03, situated at Metro City Phase-III (tower 1 to tower 8) measuring 126.27 Sq Mtrs. Built up area constructed on a part of leased land bearing Khasra Numbers 50(P), 51(P), 52(P), 53(P), 54(P), 81(P) and B2(P) having net area of 50435.39 sq mtr all situated in Poora Imam Baksh, Mohalla Hasanganj Par, (Paper Mill Compound) Lucknow, bounded on North East: Common wall with apartment No T-7/802, North West: Internal Road and Park on ground floor, South East: Internal Road and Park on ground floor and South West: Common lobby