Contact no:8827433132
Property No. 1: All the rights, title and interest in Property No-1 paiki 1/A, admeasuring 392 sq. ft. i.e. 36.43 sq. mts. along with undivided share in the land admeasuring 9.56 sq. mtrs. bearing Navsari Municipal Ward No 13/1, House No-1802 on Ground Floor of "SAGAR DIAMONDS", building constructed on Navsari City Survey Tika No-2/2, City Survey No-25/A admeasuring 133.78 sq. mtrs situated at Langarwad Navsari, Tal. & Dist. Navsan, Gujrat 396445 in the name of Mr. Ashokkumar Muljibhai Vala. Type of Possession-Symbolic Possession, Details of encumbrances over the property, as known to the secured creditor, if any: None