Shri Kaushik Lahiri, Mobile No.: 91270 65277
Property 1: Equitable Mortgage of Land measuring 1 Cottah, 4 Chittaks, a shed constructed there on in 100 Sq.ft., Holding No. D1-104/A/New, Chanditala Road, Mouza Shyampur, JL. No. 46. Touzi No. 357, RS No. 34, Khatian No. 65/1, Dag No. 935,P.S. Maheshtala, SRO Behala, DRO Alipore under Maheshtala Municipality, Ward No. 35, Deed No. 03551 of 2011, Dist-24 Pgs (South). The Property is surrounded by: North: Vacant land of same dag, South: Land of Kartik Sarkar, East: Land of Kartik Sarkar, West: Land of Anand Pakhira. Property owned by: Mrs. Shefali Pakhira (Prop. of M/s. Unicon Enterprise