Shri Kaushik Lahiri, Mobile No.: 91270 65277
All that piece and parcel of Land 6.23 Satak of Land measuring more or less lying and situated at Mouza Nabasan, J.L. No. 110, Touzi No 37 comprised in R.S. Dag Nos. 282, 283, 216, 219 appearing to L.R. Kahtian No. 640, Police Station-Diamond Harbour, Kolkata-743 368, Dist - South 24 Parganas, contained in Gift Deed Recorded in Book No. 1. Volume No. 1609-2022, Pages from 22769 to 22788 being Deed No. 160900759 for the year 2022, which is duly registered in the office of D.S.R.- at Diamond Harbour, South 24 Parganas made Between Sanowar Hossain Sekh Herein referred to as the Donor and Anowar Hossain Sekh Alias Anowar Sekh here referred to as the Donee, dated on 02.02.2022. The Property is butted and bounded by: On the North By Property of Sanowar Hossain Sekh and Anowar Sekh, On the South: By Village Road, On the East. By Property of Sanowar Hossain Sekh and Anowar Sekh, On the West: By Property of Jakir Hossain Sekh. (Under Symbolic Possession)