Contact Names: Rakesh MV:9611500100, Lakshith TH: 9945381028
All that plece and parcel of immovable property site no. 166/128, E katha P.ID no. 150200101300800170, khaneshmnri ne, 128, old khaneshwmari no. 101/3 and jajjnr no. 166 measuring east to west 30 feet and north to south 26 feet, in total measuring 780 sq.feet. siluated at SOUTH-tattanahalli anekallu Bangalore urban. North by: house belongs to pullappa South by: house belongs to muthalaiah, East by: house belongs to shambaiah, West by: 5 feet common passage house chikkapapaiah. Measurement: east to west 30 feet and north to south 26 feet, in total measuring 780 sq. feet. Situated at within the sub registration district of Basavnagudi and registration district of Bangalore. Together with all buildings and structure attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to earth, both present and future and all easamentary / mamool rights annexed thereto.