Mr. Mukesh Kumar - Mob. 8368030503 Ms. Nehakumari Chaudhary 8551926530 Mr. Ashwini Kumar 86601 50571
All that part and parcel of Registered Mortgage of Shop no 2 & 3, A-building, Tilak Avenue admeasuring 18.05 sq. mts. Situated in land bearing R.S. No. 175/2 of Revenue block no 160 paiki admeasuring 8668 sq mtrs and Revenue survey no 176/1 of Revenue block no 159 admeasuring 809 sq mtrs, lying, being and situated at Village Kansad, Sachin, Surat Distt. Tal Surat 394230 standing in the name of Sanjay Manharlal Mehta. Boundries: East: shop no 4, West: Shop no 1, North Parking, South Road. PROPERTY UNDER PHYSICAL POSSESSION.