Contact NO:6292243516 & 8334999291
All that flat on the ground floor, western side measuring a super built up area of 550 Sq. Ft. at Premises No. 29, Amritlal Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700008 together with undivided share and interest in the land measuring an area of 2 Cottahs 8 Chittacks be the same a little more or less lying and situate at Mouza-Paschim Barisha, J. L No. 19, Pargana Khaspore, Touzi Nos. 1-6, 8-10, 12-16, under Khatian No. 1704, Dag No 474, within the present limit of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation at Municipal Premises No. 29, Amritlal Mukherjee Road, Kolkata- 700008 under Ward No. 125, P. S. Thakurpukur, District South 24 Paraganas. Being butted and bounded by- North Land of Mr. S. Mukherjee, South 10 ft. wide Common Passage, East: 16 ft. wide Commin Passage, West: House of Mr. Mukherjee