Contact NO: 6292245715 & 8334999291
All that piece and parcel of land measuring more or less 5% Satak together with Two storied building erected and built there on the land lying and siuated at being Holding No. 41 in Mouza-Paschim Ichapur, R. S. Dag No. 1358 and L. R. 1687, R. S. Khatian No. 293, L. R. Khatian No. 575, J. L. Nos. 29, 41, Desopriya Road, P. O. Nabapally, P. S. Barasat under Barasat Municipality, Ward No. 28. Kolkata-700126, butted and bounded by as follows - On the North: Subhash Dutta, On the South Bhupen Ghosh, Mom Ghosh & Susanta Dey, On the East: Municipal Road, On the West: Sri Susanta Dey