North 24 Parganas
Contact NO: 6292245715 & 8334999291
All that one self-contained and independent residential Flat, Vide No. C-5, on the Fourth Floor, at South-East side, having built up area of 600 Sq. ft. area be the same little more or less, together with undivided, proportionate share of land measuring about 9 Cottahs 12 Chittacks, be the same a little more or less, together with multi storied building thereon, lying and situated in Mouza-Jyangra, J. L. No. 16, R. S. No. 114, Touzi No. 3027, comprised in C. S. Dag No. 1501, R. S. Dag No. 1549, under C. S. Khatian No. 126, R. S. Khatian No. 101, within the jurisdiction of P. S. - Baguiati, within the local limits of Rajarhat Gopalpur Municipality, in the District of North 24 Parganas. The property is butted and bounded as follows - On the North: 14 ft. wide Common Passage, On the South: R.S. Dag No. 1673 (Part), On the East: R. S. Dag Nos. 1549 & 1672 (Part), On the West: R. S. Dag Nos. 1548 & 1549 (Part)