Contact No : 044-23454221/97899 74307
All that piece and parcel of the Vacant land situate at Pillaimar West Street, Tisayanvilai Village, Radhapuram Taluk, Tirunelveli District comprised in Survey No 240/1 admeasuring 2880 sq.ft and the Vacant land being bounded on the North by: Highway Road, South by: Property owned by Mr P Murugan nadar & Item No.2, East by: Property owned by Pichaya Kathiresan and West by: Pillaimar West Street. Ad-measuring: East to West: On the Northern Side - 96'0", On the Southern Side - 96'0", North to South: On the Eastern Side 30'-0", On the Western Side - 30'-0". Item No 2: All that piece and parcel of the Vacant land situate at Pillaimar West Street, Tisayanvilai Village, Radhapuram Taluk, Tirunelveli District comprised in Survey No 240/1, R S No 971/1 admeasuring 1653 sq.ft and the vacant land being bounded on the North by: Item No.1, South by: Property owned by Sri Selva Vinayagar Koil-Item No.2, East by: Property owned by Pichaya Kathiresan and West by: Property owned by Murugan Nadar. Ad-measuring: East to West: On the Northern Side-43'-5", On the Southern Side - 43'-5", North to South: On the Eastern Side - 30'-0", On the Western Side - 46'-0" more particularly mentioned in the settlement deed vide document number 1244/2013 dated 06/03/2013 and memorandum of Deposit of title deeds vide document number 1937/2014 dated 24/07/2014. Both the property in item number 1 and 2 situated within the Registration Sub-district of Tisayanvilai and in the Registration District of Palayamkottai. (Note: Patta copy not available for the above property