Contact Person: 1. Mr. Krishna Mishra-9082626522 2. Mr. Vikas banker-9987757580
Description of the Mortgaged property) All that piece and parcel of an area admeasuring about 00 Hector 40 Aar out of Gat bearing No. 263 (Old Gat No. 260 before that, S. No. 47/5C/l admeasuring 02 Acre Il Guntha) admeasuring about DO Hector 92 Aar, situated at revenue village Kesanand, Taluka Haveli, District Pune, which is within local limits of Zillha Parishad Pune Taluka Panchayat Samiti Haveli Grampanchayat Village Kesanad and within the jurisdiction of Registration District, Sub Registrar Haveli, District Pune, as per Development Agreement same is bounded as under: On or Towards East: By Property out of Gat No. 263, On or Towards South: By Property of Mr. Hargude, On or Towards West: By Gat No. 262, On or Towards North: By Road. Land admeasuring 12,000 Sq. Mt, situated at Gat No,262 & 263, Kesnand (Wagholi), pune and the Developments rights along with 60% of constructed units belonging to the Developer in the Project "Tara Athena" along with present and future unsold construction more specifically described in Annexure I excluding "Booked", "Sold & Registered units