Contact no:8885035382,080-22955928/22955929
Item No.2:- All that part and parcel of property bearing Site No.40, admeasuring 1780 sq.ft., (measuring East to West: 40 feet and North to South: 44.50 feet), Layout formed by Binny Mills Workers & other Labours Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. in Sy. No.10 of K.H Ranganath Colony, 2nd Stage, along with building constructed thereon having PID No. 41-28-40, BBMP Division No.21, present BBMP No.40, Ward No. 41, situated at Deevatige Ramanahalli Layout, Kengeri Hobli, Bengaluru South Taluk, Bengaluru-560026 belonging to Mr. Lakshminarayana Gubba & Mrs. Asha GL. Boundaries of Property: East by: Road, Westby: Site No.39.
North by: Road, South by: Road